Presenting BCA Life's Masterpiece: "NOW by BCA Life" Super App

Written byIkhsan Hanif

15 Mar 2024

Presenting BCA Life's Masterpiece:  "NOW by BCA Life" Super App

Innovation has repeatedly been the key for businesses to meet the ever-evolving needs of their customers.

BCA Life, one of the key players in the Indonesian insurance industry, encountered an opportunity closely aligned with its insurance services and products, leading to a valuable learning experience.

To embrace this opportunity, BCA Life chose to collaborate with SALT Indonesia to develop a revolutionary Super App called "NOW by BCA Life."

Let's delve into the story behind the development of an application that brings innovation and added value not only to the BCA Life business but also to its internal team and customers, thereby transforming the face of insurance services in Indonesia.

BCA Life's journey in the competitive insurance industry once faced a challenge, with its insurance services and products scattered across various platforms.

This prompted them to seek innovative solutions to integrate all services into one easily accessible application that becomes a part of customers' daily lives.

With its digital transformation and technology development expertise, SALT Indonesia was BCA Life's choice for realizing this dream.

Together, we designed the concept of developing the Super App "NOW by BCA Life," with a Bespoke Technology Development approach, especially the mobile app development tailored to BCA Life's specific needs.

The collaboration between BCA Life and SALT Indonesia gave birth to a versatile application and created an ecosystem where customers can feel connected and better served.

This is not just about application development but also about how to create the best experience for users.

The development journey of the Super App "NOW by BCA Life" began with a mutual understanding of the vision and goals to be achieved. Both teams combined their expertise and resources to create something unprecedented.

In general, the stages in the mobile app development process include:

1. Conceptualization of the Super App

The first step is to design the concept of a Super App that not only meets current needs but is also flexible enough to adapt to future changes. With its focus on custom solutions, SALT Indonesia ensures that every application aspect is designed to provide the best user experience.

2. Mobile App Development Based on Research

This stage is a crucial phase in the mobile app development process, where the SALT Indonesia team conducts in-depth studies on user behavior, market trends, and the latest technologies.

We look for what users need today and what they might need in the future.

3. Development of Innovative Features

One of the key points in developing the Super App is the creation of innovative features.

In addition to standard features in online insurance (purchase, claims, disbursements, etc.), SALT Indonesia also develops various advanced features, one of which focuses on the basic needs of users.

The "Health & Mind" feature provides added value to users by giving access to health and wellness information. Additionally, there is integration with "Smart Watch" that allows users to receive notifications and information directly on their wrists.

4. Testing and Iteration Phase

Before launching, the developed mobile application must undergo a series of rigorous tests to ensure that all features function properly and the application is free from bugs.

We work together with the BCA Life team to iterate based on feedback from beta users, ensuring that the application is truly ready to be launched to the market.

The development process of the Super App "NOW by BCA Life" is a reflection of the commitment of BCA Life and SALT Indonesia to innovation and excellence.

Through hard work, collaboration, and a focus on users, we have successfully created an application that meets customer needs and sets a new standard in the insurance industry.

In the journey of creating the mobile application "NOW by BCA Life," SALT Indonesia played a crucial role in bringing innovative features that distinguish this application from others.

As a technology architect, SALT Indonesia understands that each feature must be designed not only to meet practical needs but also to enhance the overall user experience.

SALT Indonesia focuses on the extensive, visible features and the small details that make a difference. This ensures that the application will be easy to use.

With a user-friendly interface and intuitive processes, each feature is designed with the thought of how to make the user experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

The collaboration between BCA Life and SALT Indonesia in developing this mobile application has resulted in an innovative super app and has had a widespread and significant impact.

One of the impacts is on the internal team of BCA Life, where there has been a valuable transfer of knowledge and technology skills.

Through close cooperation with SALT Indonesia, the BCA Life team has gained new insights into technology development, thus enhancing their capacity to innovate in the future.

For BCA Life customers, the Super App "NOW by BCA Life" provides a more comfortable and comprehensive experience in accessing insurance services.

The innovative features developed make this application more than just a tool for insurance transactions. This also marks a significant improvement in BCA Life's services, which are now more integrated and easily accessible through advanced technology.

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