Case Studies

Empowering Resilience with Technology: DBS Develops Emergency App

19 Jun 2024

Empowering Resilience with Technology: DBS Develops Emergency App

SALT x Antikode: Presenting the Concept of Traveling Partner KAI Access

SALT x Antikode: Presenting the Concept of Traveling Partner KAI Access

Imagine an application that not only helps you book travel tickets, but also becomes a loyal partner on every step of your journey. This is the transformation experienced by KAI Access, the official app of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia.Thanks to the innovative collaboration between Antikode and SALT Indonesia, KAI Access now features a modern interface and various useful features that make train travel easier and more enjoyable. With Antikode's design expertise and SALT's cutting-edge technological development, this apphas been rebuilt to offer an optimal user experience.Throughout this journey, the transformation encountered various opportunities and challenges. Antikode and SALT Indonesia responded with an approach that combined attractive interface design and integrated system development, ensuring each feature worked to its fullest potential.Let's explore how this collaboration successfully transformed KAI Access into more than just a ticket-booking app!Beginning a New Chapter of KAI Access App TransformationPT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) launched KAI Access as an official app to simplify ticket-booking and travel planning for train users in Indonesia.However, KAI had a bigger vision for this application. They wanted KAI Access to function not only as a ticket booking tool, but also as a loyal partner for users in every aspect of their journey, thus unlocking the potential of new audiences.KAI sought to seize this opportunity by bravely facing various app development challenges. They realized that to achieve this vision, KAI Access needed to be rebuilt with a fresher look and more efficient system.As a UI/UX agency that had partnered with KAI, Antikode understood this great expectation. They decided to collaborate with SALT, a leading Technology Developer & System Integrator in Indonesia, to execute this innovative project together.This collaboration not only focused on improving the functionality and aesthetics of the application, but also committed to breaking the negative stigma often associated with state-owned enterprise (BUMN) apps.With a modern interface and a better system, KAI Access is expected to compete with similar applications and become the top choice for train users in Indonesia.Realizing the Concept of a Traveling Partner AppAntikode and SALT Indonesia played crucial roles in transforming KAI Access. Antikode, with its expertise in UI/UX design, initiated the project by laying out the concepts and designs as the initial foundation.Every design element was carefully crafted to ensure that users not only gained convenience, but also enjoyed every interaction with the app.Before moving to the development stage, the SALT team conducted an in-depth analysis of the existing app architecture. This analysis revealed that the previously used native technology was too rigid for advanced feature development, especially in supporting various operating systems.Recognizing the need for flexibility and efficiency, SALT decided to switch to Flutter as the app development framework. This allowed a single codebase that could be implemented on both Android and iOS devices simultaneously.This decision proved to significantly streamline the development process, making it much more effective and efficient.The development process of KAI Access involved several key focuses:1. Implement the New Design of KAI Access (Revamp)Revitalizing KAI Access with the new design was the first step in ensuring the app remained relevant and attractive to users.Each interface element was designed to provide an intuitive and enjoyable experience. Changes such as brighter colors, cleaner layouts, and clearer icons enhanced the application's overall look and feel.2. Tracking System & App Integration DevelopmentsOne of the biggest challenges in app development is ensuring seamless integration between various systems and features.In this project, the SALT team developed an effective tracking and integration system, ensuring that every existing feature could work well together without compromising the app's performance.For example, various external services, such as digital payments and other transportation information, were also integrated to provide a consistent and connected experience.3. Ticket-Booking Feature EnhancementThe ticket-booking feature is the core of KAI Access. Therefore, enhancing this feature became a primary focus in the development process.The SALT team worked hard to improve the ticket-booking flow, from registration to payment. The registration and login processes were simplified and made more secure, while the ticket-booking flow was designed to be faster and more intuitive.Users could easily select schedules, book tickets, and make payments through several clear and structured steps.This enhancement aimed to reduce user's time to book tickets and increase their satisfaction with using the app.4. Traveling Partner Features DevelopmentTo make KAI Access more than just a ticket-booking app, the "Traveling Partner" feature was developed. This feature expands the app's functions by adding additional services beneficial to users during their journey.These features include:Purchasing Mobile Credit, PLN, and Data PackagesEnabling users to buy their telecommunications and electricity needs directly from the app.Hotel, Taxi, Bus, and Prayer Schedules InformationProviding complete information to help users plan their travel activities.Trip Planner FeatureHelping users better plan their trips, including route and activity planning during their journey.User Loyalty ProgramRewarding loyal users with various benefits and exclusive promotions.Destinations and Latest PromotionsProviding information about interesting tourist spots and the latest promotions users can enjoy.Interesting ArticlesOffering informative and inspirational articles for users to enjoy during their journey.With these additional features, KAI Access is expected to become an application that not only assists with ticket-booking, but also serves as a reliable travel partner, offering added value to users.The Success of Transforming KAI AccessThe collaboration between SALT Indonesia and Antikode brought significant changes to KAI Access, making it a more dynamic and user-friendly application. With the new modern design and more flexible technology, KAI Access can compete with other ticket-booking apps.Advanced features like real-time journey tracking systems, seamless payment integration, and additional services make users feel more comfortable and satisfied.This improved user experience not only enhances the app's functionality, but also successfully changes the negative perception that has long been attached to state-owned enterprise apps. The stigma of being "rigid" and lacking innovation often associated with BUMN apps has been broken. KAI Access is now seen as a modern, reliable, and trusted application.The success of this project is visible from the increased user satisfaction reflected in the many positive testimonials received. Users praise the ease of use, comfort, and new features that make their journeys more enjoyable.Not only technically, but this transformation also impacted KAI's image in the eyes of the public. With a more advanced and user-friendly application, KAI Access can attract new audiences and strengthen the loyalty of existing users. This is a significant step towards a brighter and more innovative future for PT. Kereta Api Indonesia.The Path of Transformation with Sustainable InnovationThe success of transforming KAI Access didn't stop at the app's renewal, but also paved the way for even more significant sustainable innovations.Inspired by the positive results achieved, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia decided to continue collaborating with SALT to develop innovative features such as a merchant portal, providing more excellent added value to users.The success story of KAI Access is solid proof that the right collaboration can produce effective and complementary solutions. The digital transformation carried out by SALT and Antikode has shown how a holistic approach can overcome challenges and create new opportunities.SALT Indonesia remains committed to helping other companies undertake similar digital transformations, offering services and collaboration opportunities for technology development tailored to each client's specific needs. With collaboration and a commitment to innovation, let’s welcome the digital future together with SALT, guiding businesses towards sustainable success.Click the banner below to get connected for an extraordinary transformation journey in your business!

SALT x Mediawave: Enhancing Polri's Public Service through Data-driven Solutions

SALT x Mediawave: Enhancing Polri's Public Service through Data-driven Solutions

The era of digital technology has ushered in an essential need for efficient, data-driven public services. Polri (the Indonesian National Police) recognizes this opportunity and is committed to embracing digital transformation to deliver the best possible service to the community.With a clear vision to enhance public services, Polri understands the importance of having a system that can effectively manage and analyze data. While managing complex and diverse data poses challenges, Polri sees it as an opportunity for growth.To seize this opportunity, Mediawave, Polri's digital agency, recognized SALT's expertise and embarked on an exciting digital transformation journey focused on advanced data management and analysis.Let's explore how this strategic collaboration brings remarkable enhancements to Polri through the innovative development initiatives led by Mediawave and SALT!Navigating Data Complexity in Achieving Police Public Service ExcellenceTo understand and respond to the public's aspirations directed at Polri, a set of tools and methods is needed to capture, manage, and process data into information that can be used as a basis for decision-making to improve public services.While managing large volumes of diverse data can be challenging, it presents a valuable opportunity. Data from various dimensions can create complexity, but with the right system, this complexity can be transformed into clear and insightful information.Mediawave, with its expertise in online services and social listening, fully understands Polri's urgency and expectations. They realized that a solution capable of collecting, managing, and presenting digital data in a more comprehensible form is required to meet these needs.This led to a strategic collaboration with SALT, Indonesia's leading Technology Developer & System Integrator. Together, they strive to create a "Public Service Dashboard System" that is not only sophisticated and interactive, but also capable of integrating various types of data.This system is designed to simplify data complexity, making it easier for Polri to access relevant information and make better decisions. The digital project aims to transform Polri significantly.With the dashboard system developed, Polri can manage data more efficiently, analyze information more accurately, and provide more responsive and targeted public services.Behind the Scene: Mapping the Dashboard Architecture by SALT IndonesiaSALT Indonesia always prioritizes innovation at every step of its projects. In the dashboard system project for Polri, the SALT team adopted a comprehensive approach, ensuring every detail was met, from needs analysis to thorough system implementation.There are 4 main stages in mapping the dashboard system architecture:1. Analysis StageIn the initial stage, the SALT team conducted a series of in-depth analyses covering 3 main aspects: Needs, Functional Design, and Technical Design.Needs analysis ensures that the developed system meets Polri's expectations, identifying the types of data that need to be managed and how this data will be used in decision-making.Functional Design then ensures that every feature of the system supports this goal, while Technical Design assesses feasibility and sustainability from a technological perspective.2. System Development & Integration StageNext, the team entered the system development and integration stage. At this stage, various cutting-edge technologies were applied, such as Angular for responsive and user-friendly front-end development, Node JS for a reliable back-end, PostgreSQL as a robust database, AWS WAF for optimal data security, and more.This integration also simplifies the data processing received from Mediawave, ensuring Polri can avoid time-consuming manual data input. This process ensures the dashboard is technically advanced, practical, and easy to use.3. Testing StageAfter development, the dashboard system undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its quality and reliability. SALT applies 3 types of testing:Unit Test, to examine each componentSystem Integration Testing (SIT), to ensure all components work harmoniouslyUser Acceptance Testing (UAT), to get feedback from end usersThis testing phase is crucial to ensure the system functions as specified and is ready for use.4. Deployment & System Implementation StageThe final stage is the deployment and implementation of the dashboard system. At this stage, the tested and verified system is ready for use by Polri.Implementation includes data verification by the Mediawave team, user training, and technical support, ensuring Polri can fully utilize this dashboard to understand data and information better. Through this structured and detailed process, SALT demonstrates its strong commitment to providing technology solutions that are innovative, effective, and user-friendly.Exploring the Scope of Feature Development in the Dashboard SystemThe dashboard system developed by SALT and Mediawave combines advanced technology, digital data, and user-friendly design to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of public services.Here are the main features of the dashboard system that are key to the project's success:A. Customized Dashboard DevelopmentSALT and Mediawave started by developing a dashboard specifically tailored to Polri's data.The design and functionality of this dashboard are crafted to be highly user-friendly, facilitating users for various purposes through an intuitive interface and simple navigation.This dashboard presents data in an easy-to-understand manner and allows users to interact with the data effectively, making it a highly beneficial tool in decision-making.B. Content Management System (CMS) ConfigurationsContent management is a crucial aspect of this system. SALT integrated a personalized content management system (CMS), enabling the team to manage dashboard content seamlessly.This CMS is designed to be easy to use without requiring deep technical skills, ensuring that all users, regardless of their technical background, can manage and update content smoothly.C. Dashboard Plugin Developments & ConfigurationsTo provide greater flexibility, SALT also developed and configured various plugins for the dashboard system.These plugins allow for the customization of dashboard features to meet Polri's specific needs for digital data. With these plugins, the dashboard can be easily adapted and enhanced to meet evolving needs.D. Data Measurement SystemOne of the most crucial features is the data measurement system developed by SALT in collaboration with Mediawave. This system can measure and analyze data in real-time, allowing Polri to monitor and continuously assess their public service performance.The dashboard's data visualization is designed to provide easily comprehensible insights, helping Polri make faster and more accurate decisions.This system, which can display data in various visual formats, ensures that relevant information can be accessed and utilized to the fullest. With these outstanding features, the public service dashboard system that was developed not only meets the existing needs, but also opens up opportunities for further improvements.Every feature is designed with the user in mind, ensuring that this system truly adds value and supports Polri in carrying out their duties more efficiently and effectively.Positive Impact of Transformation through the Public Service Dashboard SystemThe collaboration between SALT Indonesia and Mediawave in creating the Public Service Dashboard System has resulted in remarkable impacts, exceeding expectations. This dashboard not only provides significant benefits for Polri, but also brings positive changes that the Indonesian public will soon feel.This innovative dashboard system has successfully enhanced Polri's efficiency in public service. By allowing users to access and analyze data in real-time, Polri can respond to various situations more quickly and accurately.This means Polri can more effectively handle emerging issues, provide solutions that meet the public's needs, and maintain public order more efficiently.This dashboard has made the data-driven decision-making process easier and more accurate. Structured and easily accessible information allows decision-makers at Polri to make more targeted decisions.Moreover, this dashboard also improves user satisfaction within the Polri organization. The user-friendly design ensures that various parties, from management to operational staff, can easily use the dashboard.Ease of use and accessibility not only increase productivity, but also ensure that the system can be operated efficiently.Polri now has a highly effective tool to monitor and evaluate their service performance in real-time. Clear and informative data visualization allows Polri to identify areas for improvement and quickly take necessary actions without delay.From Data to Decision: Enhancing Services with Technology InnovationThe digital transformation through this dashboard system proves that technology innovation can be a primary driver in enhancing the quality of public services.With the right tools, Polri can provide better services to the community, respond to their needs quickly, and ensure that every decision is based on accurate and reliable data.This strategic collaboration is a concrete example of how technology can create significant positive changes in public services.In the future, this project can open up opportunities for similar technology implementation in various other sectors, both governmental and private. With collaboration and a commitment to innovation, let’s embrace the digital future with SALT, navigating through challenges toward sustainable success.Click the banner below to get connected and embark on a transformation journey in your business!

Accelerating Grab's Digital Projects through Best IT Talent Outsourcing

Accelerating Grab's Digital Projects through Best IT Talent Outsourcing

Companies around the world are in a constant race to adopt and develop the latest technologies to bring innovations that simplify everyday life.Amidst this intense competition, Grab has successfully positioned themself as a market leader in Southeast Asia by providing various transportation and online delivery services through their super app.However, behind this remarkable success lies another significant expectation: finding and retaining the best IT talent in the industry. Quality IT talent is crucial to keep the wheels of innovation turning.How does SALT Indonesia position itself as a strategic partner for Grab to meet this expectation? Let's explore how the collaboration between Grab and SALT Indonesia in finding the best talent accelerates the execution of their digital projects.Navigating Expectation: Finding Best Talents Amid Grab's Rapid EvolutionGrab, a technology company based in Singapore, has undergone an extraordinary journey, transforming from a small startup into a decacorn recognized throughout Southeast Asia.Their revolutionary vision and mission drive this remarkable transformation: to simplify customers' daily lives through technology. With consistent dedication, Grab now offers highly demanded services such as ride-hailing, food delivery, parcel delivery, digital payments, and financial services through one efficient and versatile super app.However, behind Grab's rapid growth, one of the biggest expectations is having flexible IT talent with the right skills to manage and develop various digital projects, from small to medium to large scale.While they can recruit independently, this often takes considerable time and is frequently inefficient due to the flexibility of the required positions.In the ever-changing dynamics of the technology industry, Grab must ensure they always have the best talent to keep the wheels of innovation turning. This expectation becomes even more pronounced as new digital projects continually emerge, requiring immediate attention.Talent Augmentation (Geekz) Solution that Meets Grab's ExpectationsIn finding quality IT talents, Grab decided to partner with SALT Indonesia, a company experienced in digital transformation and cutting-edge technology development.With the proven reputation, SALT Indonesia offers an innovative solution through Talent Augmentation (Geekz) service, specifically designed to meet Grab's IT needs by providing the best talent in their respective fields and positions.SALT Indonesia's IT Talent Augmentation service offers flexibility and efficiency in the talent acquisition process.By leveraging a vast Talent Pool and rigorous selection process, SALT Indonesia can source and provide IT talent that matches Grab's needs perfectly. Each candidate is selected not only based on their technical skills, but also on their ability to adapt and contribute to a dynamic and innovative work environment.Moreover, SALT Indonesia ensures that every recruited talent possesses the experience and capabilities to execute digital projects successfully. This strict selection process involves a series of tests and in-depth evaluations designed to measure the candidates' competence and readiness.The result is a solid and reliable IT team, ready to support and accelerate the execution of Grab's digital projects, ensuring every innovation can be optimally realized.With the Talent Augmentation (Geekz) solution from SALT Indonesia, Grab not only acquires the needed talent but also finds a strategic partner that can add significant value to every digital development project.Collaboration Steps between Grab and SALT IndonesiaThe collaboration between Grab and SALT Indonesia began by identifying Grab's specific needs and expectations for their desired IT talent.Through in-depth discussions and careful analysis, both parties pinpointed several key positions essential for supporting Grab's digital projects. These positions such as Reach JS Developer, Data Analyst, iOS Developer, Product Manager, Backend Developer (PHP), Android Developer, and many more.With these needs clearly defined, SALT Indonesia initiated a rigorous selection process to find the best talent suited for each position, ranging from middle to senior levels.This selection process involved not only technical assessments through a series of tests and direct evaluations of the candidate's skills, but also a thorough evaluation of their experience and compatibility with Grab's work culture. Only the highest-quality candidates were recommended to meet Grab's specific needs.Once the talents were selected, SALT Indonesia and Grab worked together on the onboarding process and integrating the talent into Grab's project teams. This collaboration's flexibility allowed for adjustments in the outsourcing duration, periodic performance evaluations, and even talent replacements if necessary.This approach ensures that each project runs smoothly and effectively, with an IT team ready to contribute maximally from day one.Through this close and dynamic collaboration, Grab and SALT Indonesia have created a strong synergy, ensuring that every digital project runs and achieves optimal results.The Collaboration Impact on Grab's Digital Development ProjectsThe collaboration between Grab and SALT Indonesia has yielded positive results. With the assistance of SALT Indonesia, Grab has swiftly filled several key positions that previously took a long time to find. The IT talents provided by SALT Indonesia not only met but also exceeded Grab's expectations, showcasing this partnership's exceptional quality and efficiency.Each recruited individual demonstrated good technical skills and outstanding teamwork abilities, making them invaluable assets in executing Grab's digital projects.The immediate impact of this collaboration is the acceleration of Grab's digital project execution. Projects previously hampered by a lack of talent can now proceed according to schedule.The presence of competent IT talent enables Grab to continue growing and offering better services to their users. Grab's business growth has accelerated, and a solid technological foundation and a reliable IT team support it.Moreover, this collaboration's flexibility allows Grab to adjust their talent needs as projects evolve continually. Regular performance evaluations and the option to replace underperforming talent ensure that Grab always has the best team working on their projects.A key advantage of this collaboration is Grab's ability to quickly adapt to changing needs, which gives Grab the confidence to face future challenges with optimism and readiness.This collaboration proves that with the right partner, effective and innovative solutions can overcome even the most significant challenges. SALT Indonesia has demonstrated that they are not just a talent provider, but a strategic partner helping Grab achieve their vision in the ever-evolving world of technology.Great Talent Drives the Best ResultsIn a rapidly changing world, having the right talent is one key to staying competitive and innovative. This collaboration between Grab and SALT Indonesia shows how the right IT talent outsourcing service can be an effective solution to challenges in digital development projects.With SALT Indonesia's Talent Augmentation (Geekz) service, Grab has successfully found the best IT talent capable of supporting the company's vision and mission of providing innovative and efficient technology services.This success exemplifies how the right collaboration can overcome even the most significant challenges, driving sustainable success through IT talent. With collaboration and a commitment to innovation, let's discover the right Technology and IT Talent Augmentation solutions to embrace your company's digital future with SALT Indonesia.Click the banner below to get connected and start an excellent transformation journey in your business!

Redefining KoinWorks Website through Flexible Technology Development

Redefining KoinWorks Website through Flexible Technology Development

Technology has become the backbone of businesses striving to remain relevant and competitive in an increasingly connected world.This is especially true for KoinWorks in the fintech industry. As a leading player, they face unique challenges in managing a digital ecosystem, particularly their website, which must align with the dynamic needs of users.How can a fintech company effectively manage information while enriching the user experience in the digital age? Let's explore the journey of KoinWorks and SALT Indonesia as they create elegant solutions that transform challenges into exciting opportunities!Overcoming the Challenges of Website Content Management at KoinWorksIn the fast-paced financial world, KoinWorks, a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending and investment specialist in Indonesia, continues to innovate to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of their services.However, this innovation brings its challenges. With a website ecosystem composed of various platforms with differing technologies, KoinWorks finds that the information they wish to convey becomes difficult to understand and manage, leading to reduced operational efficiency and a suboptimal user experience.The emergence of these challenges demands a more integrated and user-friendly strategy, providing KoinWorks with a golden opportunity to revise their digital narrative. This opportunity is not just about technical improvements but also a revolution in how they communicate and interact with users.The Centralized Website Ecosystem Solution by SALT IndonesiaUnderstanding the challenges faced and viewing them as opportunities, KoinWorks partnered with SALT Indonesia to devise the right solution jointly.This strategic partnership gave birth to an innovative idea, the Centralized Website Ecosystem, a solution designed using the latest technology in content management and website architecture, ensuring that all aspects of the website ecosystem operate within a cohesive platform.This integration not only facilitates the management of data and content but also enhances the response speed to user needs.With this approach, KoinWorks aims to expedite information delivery, enhance customer understanding, and facilitate the efficient launch of new content, optimizing dynamic user interactions on their platform.Innovative Ideas Implementation on KoinWorks's WebsiteThe website development journey of KoinWorks, orchestrated by SALT Indonesia, is a testament to the power of latest technology.Starting with comprehensive audience research, SALT Indonesia successfully redefined target personas, ensuring each website element resonates both, personally and professionally.At least, 5 main pillars can be highlighted in this website development project:1. In-depth Target Audience ResearchSALT Indonesia conducted a comprehensive analysis to understand the different needs and expectations of each KoinWorks target segment, such as banking, business actors and individual users. This study ensures website features and content are tailored to user desires and behaviors.2. Seamless User Journey CreationBased on the research results, SALT Indonesia team continues to develop a smooth and intuitive user journey, ensuring that navigation on the site is not only easy but also fun, thereby increasing user interaction with the platform.3. Efficient Content Management System (CMS)SALT Indonesia implements a flexible and user-friendly CMS, enabling the KoinWorks team to manage content updates without extensive technical expertise efficiently.4. Personalized Advanced Widget FeaturesAnother interesting thing about this project is that SALT Indonesia has developed more than 30 customizable widgets on the KoinWorks website. This widget is designed with the concept of "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG), which can provide the best functionality, increase user interaction through visual appeal, and simplify the display of data and information.5. Funding Simulation FormulaSALT Indonesia also developed a funding simulation feature on the KoinWorks website, which offers users a visual and interactive estimate of their funding potential. This allows users to understand more clearly and accurately the possible outcomes of their investments or loans on the KoinWorks platform. Each implementation step not only enhances the website's aesthetics but significantly improves functionality, transforming how users interact with the KoinWorks platform.Significant Impact Post-Website RevampThe website revamp project by SALT Indonesia has profoundly altered KoinWorks's operational landscape and user interactions.Internally, the KoinWorks team experiences a direct transformation in content management capabilities, where complex and time-consuming processes have become quicker and more efficient through a structured content management system.Externally, users enjoy significantly improved access to information and the overall site experience. This was evident during the Independence Day campaign on August 17, a few years ago, where enhanced site activity and speed effectively drew user participation due to precise time-to-market.Reflecting on KoinWorks's Website Technology DevelopmentThe success of the KoinWorks website development project underscores the importance of adaptation and innovation in a dynamic digital environment, highlighting KoinWorks's ability to stay aligned with fintech industry developments.This initiative reaffirms KoinWorks's commitment to continual technology enhancement and user engagement, positioning them as a confident key player in the future of fintech.In the same spirit, SALT Indonesia encourages companies to adopt innovation not merely as a survival strategy but as a means to dominate competitive markets, propelling them to the pinnacle of business excellence. With collaboration and commitment to innovation, let's welcome a digital future with SALT Indonesia guiding your business as a compass toward sustainable success.Click the banner below to connect and embark on a remarkable transformation journey in your business!

Empowering the Culinary Industry with Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) Reward Strategy

Empowering the Culinary Industry with Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) Reward Strategy

The FMCG industry continues to transform, meeting the dynamic and increasingly competitive market needs through the quality of the products offered and the satisfying experiences provided to customers.Unilever Food Solutions (UFS), a division of Unilever, is taking significant steps to strengthen their relationship with customers, especially with their partners in the culinary business, through innovative and revolutionary Loyalty System Development.The collaboration between UFS and SALT Indonesia in developing this loyalty program marks the beginning of innovation in both the FMCG and culinary industries, creating a Business-to-Business (B2B) digital ecosystem that surpasses the expectations of the Indonesian market.What's the story behind the development of UFS's Reward Program technology? Let's delve deeper!Blending Loyalty & Innovation: Unilever Food Solutions Path to the Digital LoyaltyMaintaining customer and business partner loyalty in the dynamic digital landscape presents a complex challenge, where loyalty often translates to long-term dedication to a brand.Unilever Food Solutions smartly explores this opportunity. They strive to link this challenge to their mission of supporting sustainable growth in the global culinary industry.By introducing a loyalty program as the Reward Program, Unilever recognizes and honors the trust and loyalty of B2B partner who have long interacted and transacted with their products.This program is designed as Unilever's expression of gratitude to their loyal culinary business players, offering them more than just products; it also offers valuable experiences.However, to truly optimize the effectiveness of this program, a comprehensive digital platform is required. This platform serves not just as a means to distribute points or gifts but as the core of a profound digital ecosystem, where UFS partners can access all related information, select and purchase quality raw materials, and exchange their points for various attractive rewards.Every aspect of this platform is designed to provide solutions that meet and exceed Unilever partner's needs and expectations, making every interaction more meaningful and strengthening bonds with each shared experience.SALT's Innovative Collaboration in Revolutionizing UFS LoyaltyNavigating through the sea of digital opportunities and challenges, Unilever Food Solutions has found a strategic collaborator in their innovation journey, SALT Indonesia.SALT Indonesia serves not only as an architect and provider of technical solutions but also as a visionary craftsman capable of realizing UFS's digital dreams.This collaboration culminated in the revolutionary Loyalty System Engine, a technology solution within the website designed to unify data from all customer interaction points into a centralized platform.This system is not just a tool, but a bridge that connects Unilever with their loyal partners by dynamically tailoring offers and promotions based on each customer's unique behaviors and preferences.Through this innovation, each interaction transcends mere transactions; it becomes a step in building deeper relationships, ultimately solidifying Loyalty to new heights.Building Foundations of Unilever Food Solutions LoyaltyThe development process for the UFS Reward Program website began with a detailed exploration of the loyalty concept, where SALT Indonesia dissected every aspect of the to-be-developed Loyalty Point System, establishing a robust foundation for building a sustainable ecosystem.SALT Indonesia took full responsibility for mapping and refining the architecture of this loyalty system. There are 4 technology developments implemented into the UFS website:a. Loyalty System EngineSALT Indonesia designed the Loyalty System Engine as the core of the UFS Reward Program, an advanced system managing everything from B2B business partner registration to point redemption for attractive rewards.This system is engineered to provide a seamless and personalized experience, where each interaction is tailored based on historical data and user preferences. With sophisticated automation features, the system can offer real-time responses, making them feel uniquely valued and understood, strengthening their loyalty to the brand.b. Web Commerce SystemSupporting commercial transactions, the Web Commerce System developed by SALT Indonesia provides an intuitive platform that makes it easy for users to explore and purchase Unilever products according to their culinary business needs.This system integrates with customized search and product recommendation features, allowing users to quickly and efficiently find the most relevant products. The optimized shopping cart and checkout process are designed to maximize sales conversions while providing a safe and enjoyable user experience.c. Integrated Customer DatabaseThe integrated user database is the foundation for the effectiveness of the Loyalty System Engine, providing a deep, holistic view of each partner.This system compiles data from various sources, including historical transactions, personal preferences, and digital interactions, to form a complete profile.With this centralized and integrated data, UFS can implement more targeted and effective marketing strategies, while ensuring high system performance and security without compromising partner privacy.d. System Updates & MaintenanceSALT Indonesia provides ongoing system maintenance and updates to ensure that the UFS Reward Program remains relevant and effective amid fast-changing technology and market dynamics.By continuously monitoring industry and technology trends, the system is regularly updated to add new features, enhance security, and optimize performance.This ongoing effort ensures that the UFS loyalty platform continues to meet and exceed partner expectations and Unilever's business needs, keeping the system robust in the face of future challenges. SALT Indonesia not only strengthens the Reward Program technologically, but also supports the loyalty campaigns presented by UFS. This brings good news through increased transactions and loyalty point accumulation, proving that technology and wisdom can go hand in hand in celebrating and valuing B2B business partner loyalty.Evolving Customer Loyalty at Unilever Food SolutionsThe innovative website platform developed for Unilever Food Solutions has revolutionized how the company interacts with their partners, significantly impacting business growth and the digital ecosystem over the long term.More than just an information hub, this website has become a driving force in purchasing behavior, where business partner actively participate in the UFS ecosystem, competing to accumulate loyalty points.A significant increase in purchasing behavior through the website indicates that partners visit not only for information, but also to shop and take advantage of every opportunity offered by the loyalty system to gain more benefits and rewards.This success is measured not just by increased transaction statistics but also by higher engagement levels and the satisfaction they experience. Each point collected becomes evidence of a satisfying user experience, strengthening their relationship with Unilever Food Solutions and motivating them to keep returning.Opening New Horizons with Unilever and SALT Indonesia CollaborationThe collaboration between Unilever Food Solutions and SALT Indonesia has become a tangible symbol of how adaptation and innovation driven by digital technology can enhance a company's position in a competitive market.This partnership has successfully overcome the loyalty challenges faced by UFS and revolutionized how the company interacts with their business partners. UFS has opened new windows and created significant added value for customers, partners, and the company by implementing solutions focused on innovative technology and needs.With each step taken, UFS has strengthened their relationship with partners and set new standards in user-centric service, proving that ongoing technological innovation is key to growth. With collaboration and commitment to innovation, let's welcome the digital future with SALT Indonesia, guiding your business through challenges and toward sustainable success.Click the banner below to start connecting and mapping out the incredible transformation journey in your business!

Technology Innovation Synergy in Empowering BTPN Daya's MSMEs Community

Technology Innovation Synergy in Empowering BTPN Daya's MSMEs Community

The digital world's evolution brings significant challenges and opportunities for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) simultaneously. This has spurred BTPN Bank's initiative to embark on an innovation journey with SALT Indonesia to empower the MSMEs community through the is not just an informational website, but an innovative platform designed as a comprehensive empowerment hub and a solution for the digitalization needs of MSMEs.Are you curious how a technology platform can become a game-changer in the MSMEs ecosystem? Dive deeper into this case study to explore the journey of innovation, strategy, and collaboration that strengthens the foundation of Indonesia's digital economy in line with BTPN Daya's vision & mission.Embracing a New MSMEs Era: Digital Innovation by BTPN and SALT IndonesiaBTPN Daya program has long been a pioneer in Empowering the MSMEs Community. This program harbors a big dream of being at the forefront of addressing all the business needs of its members.In the digital world, this dream certainly requires a venue—a place that can accommodate the aspirations of a broader and more profound community.Faced with limited access and effective interaction between MSMEs and the resources they need, BTPN Daya was driven to seize an opportunity: to create a digital ecosystem capable of integrating services into one easy and efficient access.To embrace this opportunity, BTPN Daya chose SALT Indonesia, a leading Technology Innovation Developer, to play a role in developing technology solutions that are not only innovative, but also inclusive for every member of the MSMEs community.Smart Solutions for Empowering the BTPN Daya CommunityIn finding technology solutions aligned with BTPN Daya's objectives, SALT Indonesia began with in-depth research to map out the path needed for platform development.Besides creating a digital ecosystem that supports sustainable business growth, this research also aimed to uncover the basic needs of users, challenges faced, and market potentials yet untapped by the BTPN Daya MSMEs community.We realized that there would be a shift in BTPN Daya's services, from Offline to a combination of Offline-Online. Based on the data and insights gathered by SALT Indonesia, it was decided that the best solution was to develop a website that could be easily accessed in various locations through the domain, considering the increasing internet penetration in is designed to be user-centric, serving as the hub for all community empowerment activities, from education to commercial transactions, enabling MSMEs to access various resources they need to grow.This is a tangible solution to realizing a digitalization vision that focuses not only on technology, but also on the social impact that can be generated.Bridging Success Through Innovative Technology SolutionsSALT Indonesia continued to develop solutions for the website platform by implementing 4 essential technology solutions to Personalized Web ContentThe first solution we implemented involved personalizing content based on the phase and level of the MSME's business operations.Content is presented in various formats, from articles, videos, to dynamic & interactive commerce features developed using Pimcore. This seamless integration allows the MSMEs community to receive relevant information tailored to their needs.This personalization is the key to enhancing user engagement and ensuring they derive value from their time on In-depth UI/UX Research and ImplementationThe second solution involved conducting thorough research and analysis on the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) for The aim was to align the website development process with the behavior patterns and preferences of BTPN Daya's MSMEs community members.The insights from this research were then translated into the website's design and functionality, ensuring an intuitive interface and responsiveness to needs.Every aspect of is designed to facilitate navigation, enhance user satisfaction, and strengthen the website's commercial and educational effectiveness.3. Reliable Analytical DataThe third solution was to integrate with an advanced analytics platform that provides deep insights into user interactions on the website beyond what typical analytics platforms offer.Unlike universal analytics solutions, this platform offers reliability in terms of data privacy and real-time accuracy.The insights gained from this data significantly impact BTPN Daya's decision-making processes, such as adjusting business and marketing strategies, product development, and enhancing website features based on actual MSMEs community behavior.4. Key Features Development on Daya.idThe final solution developed by SALT Indonesia was the creation of key features that enrich the website's functionality based on the three previous solutions.There are 6 features designed to support the empowerment of the BTPN Daya MSMEs community through Educational and Inspirational goes beyond providing information; it offers stories that inspire. The material available is diverse, ranging from tutorials and case studies to the latest industry insights that help the MSMEs community thrive in an increasingly competitive market.b. "Tanya Ahli" FeatureThrough the "Tanya Ahli" feature, BTPN Daya's MSMEs community can interact directly and pose questions to proven experts. This feature is developed with a well-managed messaging system, enabling rapid information exchange and supporting better decision-making by MSMEs.c. "Akses Market" FeatureSALT Indonesia also developed e-commerce integration on to facilitate direct business transactions within the platform. This feature makes it easier for the MSMEs community to find and sell products more effectively, leveraging technology to increase visibility and access to a broader market.d. "Sahabat Daya" CommunityRecognizing the power of community, the "Sahabat Daya" feature was developed. This feature allows users to participate in community empowerment activities organized by BTPN Daya both Offline and Online, strengthening the network among MSMEs.e. Business MatchingThis appealing feature was developed to meet all entrepreneurial needs, particularly finding the right supplies or services within the BTPN Daya digital ecosystem. Supported by a commerce system and advanced algorithms, this system matches the needs of providers listed in the database.f. Financial ProductsThe final feature related to banking activities is Financial Products that support the financial stability and growth of the MSMEs community.SALT Indonesia developed Financial Products to provide access to financial products such as savings, loans, and investments through direct integration with BTPN Bank. This feature is designed to make it easier for community members to manage their finances more efficiently and effectively according to their business stages. By implementing these 4 technology solutions, SALT Indonesia not only provides a mere digital platform for BTPN Daya, but also ensures that becomes a powerful vessel for the growth and empowerment of MSMEs in Indonesia.Measuring Real Impact for BTPN Daya's MSMEs CommunityThe website development project with SALT Indonesia has brought good news to the MSMEs Community Empowerment Program of BTPN Bank. With innovations integrated into the website, has demonstrated significant improvements in the reach and effectiveness of the digital ecosystem's growth.Community members can access the resources needed for their business growth all in one platform. On the other hand, the data collected through this website has also assisted BTPN Daya in making strategic decisions to enhance further and develop the empowerment program.Recognition of success and positive impact came in the form of an award given to SALT Indonesia by BTPN Bank, a symbol of appreciation for the innovation and dedication shown.This also marks the continuation of a partnership that not only endures but thrives over time, demonstrating a sustained commitment to supporting the growth of MSMEs in Indonesia.This collaboration remains strong, inspiring more similar initiatives and innovations that may impact the national digital ecosystem more.Navigating the Seas of Innovation with TechnologyThe development of the website by SALT Indonesia is concrete proof of how technology can serve as a stepping stone in empowering Indonesia's MSMEs community within a digital ecosystem.By leveraging digital technology innovation, BTPN Daya assists MSMEs in enhancing their capacity and extends their reach into broader and more diverse markets.We at SALT Indonesia are proud and honored to contribute to enhancing the MSMEs ecosystem through technology. We remain motivated to open many opportunities for future collaborations and innovations in various sectors and industries. With collaboration and a commitment to innovation, let's welcome the future of business together with SALT Indonesia, guiding you toward sustainable success.Click the banner below to connect and embark on an excellent transformation journey in your business!