Website Technology: Definition, History, and Current Trends

Written byIkhsan Hanif

27 Mar 2024

Website Technology: Definition, History, and Current Trends

Website technology is no longer just an ordinary online page, but a digital platform that has various functions and can represent the image of an individual or organization.

In the business world, a website can be a key element in building a robust digital ecosystem foundation, and this is what SALT Indonesia also does through Technology Development services.

The question is, "How can website technology and its development create this digital ecosystem?"

In this article, we will discuss what website technology is, its history, and the trends that are currently developing, especially those impacting the growth of digital businesses!

Referring to its definition, Website Technology is a series of methods, tools, and practices used in developing and managing a website.

Website technology encompasses everything from basic elements like website page development using certain programming languages, front-end and back-end development, design interface, to complex aspects like website optimization in search engines (SEO) and security aspects.

The history of website technology began in the early 1990s when Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist at CERN, created the "World Wide Web (WWW)," the first web browser that also functioned as a web editor.

The early stages of website technology continued with the introduction of the standard HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) as communication protocol. Around this time, the "Mosaic" browser was launched, capable of displaying images in line with text.

The development continued into the 2000s, marked by the introduction of the Netscape Navigator browser and various new programming languages such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), JavaScript, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), and ASP (Active Server Pages).

Entering the modern era from the 2000s to the present, the history of website development has progressed rapidly, marked by the introduction of HTML5, CSS3, HTTP/2, Responsive Design, to AI, Cloud, and Blockchain technologies on a website.

If we summarize based on its generations, there are 4 generations of this website technology:

  1. Web 1.0 Generation
    Offers users one-way facilities such as viewing and reading site pages without interaction.
  2. Web 2.0 Generation
    Offers users Social Web facilities to carry out social activities through content.
  3. Web 3.0 Generation
    It offers users facilities to use search engines when looking for information on the internet.
  4. Web 4.0 Generation
    It allows users to record and store search history or other online activities.

The websites you often see on the internet are not only developed from the design and interface side but are built from a series of processes that are quite complex and not visible on the surface.

At least, there are 7 types of website technology development from the past to the present:

1. Browser

The browser you often open is the gateway for users to surf and open various websites. This browser plays an important role in interpreting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes. In its early days, this browser was named World Wide Web. Until now, many modern browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and so on exist.

2. Client & Server Side

In website technology, the terms "Client" and "Server" work together to present an experience for users accessing websites.

Simply put, the process that occurs between the client-side and the server-side is a request (Request), process (Process), and feedback (Feedback).

3. Programming Languages and Frameworks

In website development, programming languages and frameworks play a crucial role in creating functional and interactive websites.

Some examples of popular programming languages used today are:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • et cetera

As for programming frameworks, some of the popular ones include:

  • React
  • Angular
  • Django
  • Ruby on Rails (RoR)
  • et cetera

4. Content Management System (CMS)

CMS is an application that allows users to manage website content easily and orderly. Some examples of popular CMS used include:

  • WordPress
  • Blogger
  • Shopify
  • Strapi
  • HubSpot
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • et cetera

5. Application Programming Interface (API)

The following website technology is API, an interface that mediates the connection between one application and another, whether the application is within the same platform or cross-platform.

Regarding this technology, SALT Indonesia is one of Indonesia's leading enablers of API integration solutions.

6. Database

Database technology plays an important role in storing and managing data and information on a website, from site content, user data, transactions, and so on. In website development, there are 2 types of databases:

  1. SQL Database (Relational Database)
  2. NoSQL Database (Non-Relational Database)

Popular databases used in website development include MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra, and others.

7. Data Format

Lastly, there's the website data format, a component in website technology that allows for more efficient data exchange and information storage. Some types of data formats in a website include:

  • XML (Extensible Markup Language)
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values)
  • et cetera

We at SALT Indonesia observe that website technology is continuously evolving in various aspects due to the demand to provide the best experience for users.

If we want to see the current web development trends and what will happen in the future, there are at least 5 categories that we summarize to represent each emerging trend:

a. Website Technology Infrastructure

In this category, website development technology refers to the infrastructure that must be prepared to present a responsive and interactive website. Some examples of trends are:

  1. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)
  2. Web Development Architectures (Such as Server, CMS, Microservices, et cetera)
  3. Cloud Computing Technology
  4. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  5. API Integrations
  6. "Mobile-first Development" Concept

b. Cyber Security and Data Compliance

Security and data compliance are also major concerns, as in today's era, so many types of threats can be attacked at any time.

Therefore, standards and regulations for data security and privacy are needed, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the implementation of Cyber Security, which SALT Indonesia also presents in its services.

c. User Interaction and Experience

The next trend is directly related to user experience (UX), whether it's presenting a new experience or an improvement from previous trends. Some examples of website technology trends being developed in this regard are:

  1. Accessibility in the Use of Voice User Interfaces (VUI)
  2. Innovative UI/UX Trends (Such as Motion UI, 3D Elements, and Dark Mode)
  3. New Experiences Using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

d. Personalization and Efficiency in Web Development

Personalization and efficiency in web development have also become the latest trends that must be considered. Some technology trends related to this include:

  1. The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Web Development
  2. "No-Code/Low-Code" Experience in Website Development
  3. Automation Testing in the Cloud
  4. Core Web Vitals Optimization
  5. Website Technology Audit

e. Trends in Website Technology Innovation

The last category is related to the trends in website technology development, including various innovations accompanying it. Some emerging website technology innovations include:

  1. Blockchain Technology, Web3 or Web 3.0, and Smart Contracts
  2. Advanced AI and Internet of Things (IoT) Technology
  3. Content Personalization with Machine Learning

a. What is Web Technology?

Web technology is a series of methods/practices, and tools used in developing and managing a website.

b. What Technologies Are Used on Websites?

On a website, at least 7 kinds of technologies accompany it, namely Browser Technology, Client & Server, Programming Languages and Frameworks, CMS, API, Database, and Data Format.

In the ever-evolving digital world, along with user preferences, website technology plays an important role in supporting the formation of a digital ecosystem, especially for business purposes.

At SALT Indonesia, we realize that this is inseparable from various forms of development and trends that continually emerge from the past, present, and future. Therefore, it is essential for you and your business always to be aware and adapt to every change that occurs.

In line with this, as a Technology Enabler & Developer, SALT Indonesia can be a strategic partner in realizing website technology relevant to your business goals.

Explore our various Bespoke Technology Development services, and embark on your transformation journey with us by clicking the banner below!


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